Persistence over perfection Are you the most important project of your life? These are two statements that have come to me in the last week while doing Mel Robins 50 Day confidence challenge. They didn’t necessarily come from Mel herself, they came from outside sources that caught my attention. This challenge has triggered something in my brain to absorb information in a different way. Maybe it is how I process it? Maybe my desire to look deeper has been enlightened? I really don’t have the exact answers, and really, it is irrelevant. This is what matters. These are 2 very small statements that hold a ton of power. How do YOU feel about these statements? I know when I look at them, I can see I have work to do. I look at them and I find myself feeling a bit of shame, a little let down, and there is a bit of heaviness within myself. Reality. It feels shitty! It’s just not a great feeling no matter ...
It is here I might tattle on the reality of life we tend to tippy toe around & educate you on my services. Are you ready to stop tippy toeing around life? Do you want to know stories your toes are holding? Maybe you are ready to stand up & start to honor yourself? I am here to assist you to live an optimum quality life you desire & deserve. This is one tattletale you might want in your life!