to my updated blog!
I have
been playing with ideas and scheming for about 6 months on how I want to
refresh and present my blog. I knew I wanted it to be fun &
catchy, have a bit of a description on how I will predominantly blog, yet
somehow, in an underlying way, tie it to part of what I do. After
many many lists, interchanging words, boring, funny and dumb ideas, here I am!
when you were a kid and you would tippy toe around because you either wanted to
be sneaky, or there was something going on that you really wanted to run from
or stay away from?
guys, don’t think this is just a chic thing either. Haha! You all
know you were sneakier that us girls most times, tippy toes or
not! If I remember correctly, there was always a “tattle tale” in
the group as well. 😲😛
here I am, I decided to bring an adult tattle tale version back into the mix of
the Blogging community! The truth is, we all tippy toe around
stuff! Why do we do this? Many reasons, confrontation, negativity,
time, simply not wanting to deal with something. We all have our own
reasons for tippy toeing, or making our choices, so it is here that I am
choosing to open up to blog about some of these things… (Politics free) 😉
that, being a Toe Reader, I felt and knew this would be a perfect name for my
blog. Talking about and reading toes is part of what I do, not only
that, your toes will “tattle” on you, your personality, traits, and journey in
life in so many fun ways. In company with that, it is my goal to
speak about, or “tattle” on some things that people may not think about or want
to talk about.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to
check out my refreshed blog! My name is Jamie and I
am an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner...
What exactly does this mean?
means I am a certified Life Coach, Clinically Certified Hypnotist and a Toe
Reader. All of my services unite supporting one another with Life
Coaching being the core of my practice.
I am
the founder and owner of Inspired Aspirations LLC, located In Fond du Lac
WI. I humbly take pride and love to admit that I am human just
like you. I am a believer that no one is greater than or less than
anyone else. We most definitely experience all things differently
and have our own journey to live and create. However, we all here, in
flesh, with feelings, doing what we can with what we have and our
knowledge, both on a physical level and an emotional level. This,
makes us all equal humans.
intention with blogging is to be real, raw, honest, presented with an open-heart. Please
know that I respectfully understand that we all have different ideas and
perceptions. My intention with blogging is
simply to state how I view things, or my experience in them. Keep in mind, I am taking time to share with
you a piece of my reality or insight. I Believe by sharing our
perceptions, insights and experiences, we give others a gift, a gift of having
an opportunity to see something a different way, a way they may be unaware of,
or could not see until we share our story.
My blogging is my gift to you. Let’s
share stories in love, light and peace so we can all explore our way with new
thoughts and ideas in our own time, when we are ready.
What have you “tippy toed” around today?
Thank you for joining me!
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